Wednesday, January 26, 2011

integrity - by patrick rice

Integrity a big word that says it all; nowhere when i check the spelling in this word integrity do i find it spelt compromise;
A man is only as good as his integrity with out such , integrity, he is nothing. He may be a famous person; he may have a business empire that rivals none; he may be the fighter of the century; without integrity the truth of the matter is he is nothing, a life lived in vain; an old saying you are only good as your word.
Compromise a favorite word among businessmen and congressmen and presidents; a substitute for what they dont have moral conviction for. This allows for unethical means to be employed for what they want to conquer; the means never justify the ends; if your means are correct then your ends results are found to be worthy; you can never get to an end result that is rightous if you use dirty tactics to try and get there. You have already lost the battle when you succumb to devious means to try and win; the seed for loss is planted with that step away from the truth, with compromise;
Compromise the seed of destruction once it is in effect integrity vanishes and the soul is lost; to tell the truth takes guts to stand and accept retribution good or bad for what was done;  it sets the soul free; the lie enslaves the souls and binds it till it chokes the life out of it.
The real proof of manhood is integrity anything less is not acceptable; all things pass into this world we are born naked and we leave the same way; we either pass on with integrity or compromise. Compromise is for those with no backbone.