Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Think about Paul and Silas that were thrown in prison…
Paul knew from a vision that appeared to him in the night that the Lord had called them to preach the gospel in Macedonia. In the vision, there stood a man of Macedonia that prayed him saying, Come over into Macedonia and help us. (Acts 16:9-10)
Little did Paul and Silas know that God would allow them to go through a beating with many stripes, and being thrown into prison with their feet bound in stocks in order to accomplish their mission. (Acts 16:23-24)
This was how Paul and Silas’ path crossed the path of the man in the vision that cried, Come over into Macedonia and help us.
God answered Paul and Silas’ prayers from the inner prison, hearing them at midnight singing praises unto Him. God sent a great earthquake, shaking the foundations and setting all the prisoners free. AND setting up their meeting with the man in the vision from Macedonia! (Acts 16:25-26)
It was the keeper of the prison! 
When the keeper of the prison saw the great earthquake opened all the prison doors and that all the prisoners’ bands were loosed, he threw himself at the feet of Paul and Silas and cried, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? (Acts 16:27-30)
The keeper of the prison would have taken his life, but Paul called out and said, Do thyself no harm: for we are all here. That night not only was the prison keeper’s life saved… so was his soul! (Acts 16:27-28)
That night Paul and Silas were able to fulfill their mission and preach to the man in Paul’s vision in Macedonia, as well as preach to all his household. (Acts 16:31-32)
When the keeper of the prison and his household heard the Word of the Lord preached to them by Paul and Silas, they were all baptized in Jesus name, rejoicing and believing in God!! (Acts 16:31-34)
When we say, “Here I am Lord - use me!” are we ready to go through ANYTHING for Jesus?
Are we ready to go through what Paul and Silas went through to see their calling to preach the gospel to the man in Macedonia fulfilled?
Are we ready to praise the Lord no matter what we are going through like Paul and Silas did?
Are we ready to see signs and wonders like Paul and Silas saw, God sending a great earthquake to deliver them from their bonds?
Are we ready to see God’s mission accomplished?
Are you ready?

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